Shuffle Aces: You Am I – Tuesday
I’ve featured You Am I on these pages before, but after having seen them do a warm-up gig at the Narrabeen RSL last week I did a bit of a dive to suss out some more stuff and came across this great track. This clip captures everything that is great about the band – the enjoyment they get from playing together, the brilliant musicianship, the songwriting… I could go on and on, but instead I suggest you simply watch the video!
Official Website:
Facebook Page:
You can find all the Shuffle Ace tracks – including this one – on a Spotify playlist here.
Shuffle Aces is a series of posts that highlights a song of the week that “shuffling” has brought forth. With all the streaming services it’s not just an iPod on shuffle mode that we use to discover new stuff, but the principle remains the same: hit play and wait to see what gems come forth.