20 Weird Music Lists
A few people have told me how much they’ve enjoyed some of the music lists I’ve posted, but haven’t seemed to be able to find all of the ones on the site (and to those people I say use the navigation on the site!). I’ve also been looking into a potential podcast built around the lists, and as part of that process I put together a list of the ones that I’ve done. So I figured it was a decent list in its own right! If you liked 25 Tall Musicians, but never seen 17 Weird Musician Endorsements, then this is for you!! (Click the list name for the full list)
3. 74 Bands With Food In Their Name
4. 51 Jobs Musicians Had Before They Were Famous
5. 13 Great Songs About The Law
6. 12 Of The Oldest Musicians Ever In The Charts
8. 17 Weird Musician Endorsements
9. 42 Musicians Who Spent Time In Prison
10. 25 Athletes Turned Musicians
11. 17 Great Multi-Instrumentalists
12. 28 Musicians Who Left A Band Too Soon
13. 97 Bands With Animals In Their Name!
17. 25 Weird Instruments In Rock
18. 10 Best Songs About Baseball
19. 18 Songs Of Summer … Literally
20. 13 Great Songs About Sydney