50 Best Music Lists
Okay, I’m cheating a bit with the music lists this month, but only because it makes the 50th list that I’ve published on The Cavan Project since it all kicked off back in 2013. There’s a bunch of weird stuff in here, but there the 10 most popular ones have been as follows: 1. 25 Tall Musicians; 2. 97 Bands With Animals In Their Name; 3. 25 Short Musicians; 4. 16 Best Basketball Songs; 5. 42 Musicians Who Spent Time In Prison; 6. Top 10 Band Rehearsal Tips; 7. 25 Weird Instruments In Rock; 8. 74 Bands With Food In Their Name; 9. 51 Jobs Musicians Had Before They Were Famous; 10. 13 Loudest Bands Ever. To check out the rest read on, and if you’ve got any ideas for lists you’d like to see then let me know!!
1. 25 Weird Instruments in Rock
5. 51 Jobs Musicians Had Before They Were Famous
8. 42 Musicians Who Spent Time In Prison
9. 97 Bands With Animals In Their Name
10. 28 Musicians Who Left A Band Too Soon
11. 17 Great Multi-Instrumentalists
12. 25 Athletes Turned Musicians
13. 10 Best Songs About Baseball
14. 17 Weird Musician Endorsements
16. 12 Of The Oldest Musicians Ever In The Charts
18. 13 Great Songs About The Law
19. 13 Great Songs About Sydney
20. 74 Bands With Food In Their Name
23. 13 Bass-Playing Lead Singers
25. 24 Bands With The Most Members
27. 51 Musicians With Strange and Unusual Hobbies
29. 57 Names Of Real Rock Stars
30. 14 Official World Cup Songs
31. Top 12 Songs About Cycling
35. 129 Songs With Red In The Title
36. 5 Best Vocal Noises In Rock
38. 50 Songs Over 10 Minutes Long
41. 42 Musicians Who Went Solo
42. 101 Songs From One To One Hundred
43. 35 Winter Songs
44. 31 Bands Named After Real People
45. 46 Famous Children of Musicians
46. 21 Formative UK Punk Musicians Over 50
47. 66 Interesting Names Musicians Gave Their Children
50. 50 Best Music Lists!