Okay, I’m cheating a bit with the music lists this month, but only because it makes the 50th list that I’ve published on The Cavan Project since it all kicked off back in 2013. There’s a bunch of… Read More
Category: All, Lists Tags: About Telephones, athletes turned musicians, band rehearsal tips, Bands Named After Real People, Bands With Animals In Their Name, Bands With Food In Their Name, Bass-Playing Lead Singers, best basketball songs, best hidden tracks, Best Music Lists, Best Songs About Work, Best Two-Piece Bands, Best Vocal Noises In Rock, biggest musicians, brothers in bands, Famous Children of Musicians, Formative UK Punk Musicians Over 50, Interesting Names Musicians Gave Their Children, jobs musicians had before they were famous, Loudest Bands Ever, Multi-Instrumentalists, musical collaborations, Musicians Who Left A Band Too Soon, Musicians Who Spent Time In Prison, musicians who surf, Musicians With Strange and Unusual Hobbies, Names Of Real Rock Stars, Official World Cup Songs, Oldest Musicians Ever In The Charts, Rider Requests, short musicians, Songs About Baseball, songs about cycling, Songs About September, songs about Sydney, Songs About The Law, Songs Ever, Songs From One To One Hundred, songs of summer, Songs Over 10 Minutes Long, Songs With Red In The Title, Sports teams Singing, tall musicians, weird instruments in rock, Weird Music Lists, Weird Musician Endorsements, Whistling Songs, Who Went Solo, Winter Songs, With The Most Members
A few people have told me how much they’ve enjoyed some of the music lists I’ve posted, but haven’t seemed to be able to find all of the ones on the site (and to those people I say… Read More
Category: All, Lists Tags: athletes turned musicians, Bands With Animals In Their Name, Bands With Food In Their Name, best hidden tracks, Best Songs About Baseball, brothers in bands, Great Multi-Instrumentalists, Great Songs About Sydney, Great Songs About The Law, jobs musicians had before they were famous, music lists, musical collaborations, Musicians Who Left A Band Too Soon, Musicians Who Spent Time In Prison, musicians who surf, Oldest Musicians Ever In The Charts, short musicians, Songs Of Summer … Literally, tall musicians, weird instruments in rock, Weird Musician Endorsements
Putting a list of short musicians together seems like the only proper thing to do after the list of tall musicians that was posted recently. Before putting this together I had to decide just what should be considered… Read More
Category: All, Lists Tags: Angry Anderson, Angus Young, Axl Rose, Billy Joe Armstrong, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Bono, Bruce Dickinson, Dani Filth, eddie vedder, flea, Iggy Pop, Joe C, John Mellancamp, Klaus Meine, Lou Reed, Malcolm Young, Paul Simon, Prince, Randy Newman, Roger Daltry, Ronny James Dio, short musicians, Steve Stevens, Thom Yorke, WIllie Nelson