29 Strange Rider Requests

Rider requests: so often the the subject of exaggeration that I decided to do a bit of research and find out some of the more interesting cases in history. As it turns out some of this stuff you… Read More

51 Musicians with Strange and Unusual Hobbies

So you’ve made a bit of money as a musician and you’ve got a bit of time on your hands when you’re not touring/recording/writing etc. What to do? Well here are a bunch of musicians with strange and… Read More

17 Great Multi-Instrumentalists

Like people who can speak many languages, there’s something pretty awe-inspiring about a good multi-instrumentalist. And it’s not about just picking up an alternative musical tool and having a go, it’s about truly being able to play several… Read More

25 Short Musicians

Putting a list of short musicians together seems like the only proper thing to do after the list of tall musicians that was posted recently. Before putting this together I had to decide just what should be considered… Read More


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