Original Song: You Can’t Pretend
Month 72 of the original song a month project – six good years since it started out as a simple new year’s resolution. Bits of You Can’t Pretend have floated around for the past 18 months but it… Read More
Original Song: Don’t Give Up The Chase
Month 71 of the original song a month project. Don’t Give Up The Chase was an exercise in a different approach to lyrics with much shorter verses as I know I can end up very wordy. It had… Read More
Original Song: Sennichi Kaihogyo
Month 70 of the original song a month project. Sennichi Kaihogyo was a set of lyrics that emerged from researching mad ultra-distance running. The lyrics tell the tale and it truly is pretty crazy but awesome. As is… Read More
Original Song: Back Where I Belong
Month 68 of the original song a month project. Back Where I Belong was something that I wrote a few weeks back, and this version was based on a quick take I did. Subsequently we’ve worked on an… Read More
Original Song: Blind
Month 67 of the original song a month project! Blind was an interesting case where I had the lyrics and then went hunting through all my Logic files looking for a previously written piece of music to put… Read More