Original Song: Don’t Give Up The Chase

Month 71 of the original song a month project. Don’t Give Up The Chase was an exercise in a different approach to lyrics with much shorter verses as I know I can end up very wordy. It had a kind of Rolling Stones feel at the start, but as is now usual in the songwriting progress, I gave the rough form to my http://www.thecavanproject.com/blacks-dating-app/ partner Will. His wizardry has added some great touches, and it now feels more like a Pink Floyd meets The Smiths track! And it features what may the longest ever intro to song in recorded history. The  version here may well change over time but it’s nice to have it locked away.

©2017 Chuck Smeeton

F                      Gm
Placed upon a pedestal
F                      Gm
He was the one chosen to rule
F                      Gm
Just a rebel with a cause
F                      Gm
Filled with hope and filled with flaws

Another chance to right the wrong
But could he be that strong
You only get one go
To show what you know

Dm                  C
Time to hold on tight
D#                    Bb
There’s nothing to replace
Dm                  C
Time to hold on tight
D#                    Bb
Don’t give up the chase

Time to set the record straight
Do it now, no time to wait
There is no turning back
Stay true to the track

Time to hold on tight
No need for breathing space
Time to hold on tight
Don’t give up the chase

About the original songs
In January 2012 I commenced a goal of trying to write and record at least one song from scratch each month – sometimes it comes easily, sometimes it’s a real challenge, but I love the discipline it creates. I managed to complete the year, but it was so much fun that I’ve decided to keep it rolling for as long as I can.

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