12 Know Your Product Versions!
Perhaps the strangest list I’ve done is this one: 12 versions of The Saints’ classic song, Know Your Product. It comes about as I’ve been assisting the preparations for the recording of a The Aints gig. The Aints are Ed Kuepper’s band that does a bunch of old Saints material so I went to YouTube to check out a few performances – including Know Your Product. Before you knew it I was down the YouTube rabbit warren with Know Your Product cover versions coming at me from all directions. Here, then, are 12 versions I quite liked. I think the Chris Bailey/General Dog one is a beauty, The You Am I one is cool (because I can’t ever dislike a You Am I performance), and the King Khan And The Shrines effort may be a bit rough but it’s impossible not to like! Hope you enjoy, but be warned: that riff will be in your head for days!
1. The Saints
2. The Aints
3. Chris Bailey & The General Dog
4. Chris Bailey & Les P@tron$
5. Hunters & Collectors with Peter Garrett
6. You Am I
7. Painters & Dockers
8. King Khan And The Shrines
9. Courtney Barnett
10. The Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs
11. STAG
12. The Returnables