The time signature for almost all pop/rock songs is 4/4 but there are some interesting unusual time signatures used in great songs. As a songwriter I tend to write in 4/4 just because it works in my head,… Read More

31 Bands Named After Real People

  As usual, not really any reason why bands named after real people is the theme for this month’s list… it just is! There are some pretty obvious ones in here, but a number of them are quite… Read More

13 Loudest Bands Ever

We’ve all been to loud gigs, but just how loud is too loud? And who indeed is the loudest?  The pain threshold for human hearing is 120-130 Decibels, but any sound above 85dB can cause hearing loss or… Read More

25 Weird Instruments In Rock

Whenever songwriting inspiration is hard to come by I’ll often reach for an instrument I don’t normally use. Now I don’t have access to the wide range of noisemakers that major bands do – and thankfully they do… Read More


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