Shuffle Aces: Ship Of Fools – World Party
Sadly Ship Of Fools often ends up in the “one hit wonder” bucket, but World Party, and this song in particular has always been a particular favourite of mine. I hadn’t heard it for ages until it cropped up on a “Top 100 One Hit Wonders” (see?) show on Channel V. World Party was essentially all about Karl Wallinger. After leaving The Waterboys in 1986, he set up World Party and the first album out of the gates was Private Revolution, a great combination of folk, funk and soul. The title was an obvious reference to the solo nature of the work.
Ship Of Fools was the hit single – and a great song it is too – but for me it was just the start of a wonderful run of creativity. Bang! happens to be my favourite album, but have a listen to Ship Of Fools, let the memories come flooding back, and use it as a springboard to check out more of his stuff. You won’t regret it.
As a bonus, here’s one of the best hidden tracks of all time. Twenty odd minutes after the last track on Bang! finishes, Kuwait City suddenly starts. A brilliant parody song!
Official Website:
Facebook Page:
Twitter: @worldpartykarl
You can find all the Shuffle Ace tracks on a Spotify playlist here.
Shuffle Aces is a series of posts that highlights a song of the week that “shuffling” has brought forth. With all the streaming services it’s not just an iPod on shuffle mode that we use to discover new stuff, but the principle remains the same: hit play and wait to see what gems come forth.