Shuffle Aces: Graham Parker – Socks ‘n’ Sandals
I only came across this when Graham Parker himself shared a link to the YouTube clip of the song the other day on Facebook. The track, Socks ‘n’ Sandals, is taken from the 2001 release Deepcut To Nowhere and it’s great to see there’s a not-so-prickly side to Parker! I’ve always loved his work and Squeezing Out Sparks is one of my all-time favourite albums. It’s always been his cutting lyrics that have been at the forefront, so seeing him having a bit of fun like this is cool.
Official Website:
Facebook Page:
Twitter: @itsgrahamparker
You can find all the Shuffle Ace tracks – including this one – on a Spotify playlist here.
Shuffle Aces is a series of posts that highlights a song of the week that “shuffling” has brought forth. With all the streaming services it’s not just an iPod on shuffle mode that we use to discover new stuff, but the principle remains the same: hit play and wait to see what gems come forth.