Original Song: Wine And Roses
This month’s original song has its roots back in 2007 when I wrote a couple of verses that have lived in my notebook ever since. In searching for some inspiration I found them again a couple of weeks ago and decided to flesh it out – and Wine And Roses is the result. The interesting thing is that it’s a song that has a bunch of things that could really be changed but I’ve nevertheless become quite attached to it.
Despite it sounding pretty simple, there’s probably more different tracks in this than any song I’ve done for quite some time – four drums tracks, three keyboards, a couple of vocals, and some synth. Yes, some of the drum bits are a bit jarring, but I like how they contrast the moody feel. I think this is a song I could tweak endlessly, but instead I’ll just be satisfied with this raw version and be happy that I’ve avoided the deadline pressure of getting something done in the last couple of days of the month!
So that’s 32 months in a row, and the 39th song in the streak – hope you enjoy.
Wine And Roses
© 2007/13 Chuck Smeeton
These are the days of quiet reflection
To take the time to see the view
Uncluttered visions become clear
Of what my life will be with you
These are the days of simple pleasures
The ones I thought would never come
Take hold, take stock and just stand still
The next chapter has begun
These are the days
These are the days
These are the days
Of wine and roses
These are the days to hold the line
As simple things aren’t all they seem
The puzzle’s pieces falling into place
Create a picture that was a dream
These are the days of satisfaction
Troubled times just fade away
Storm clouds on the black horizon
Break to reveal a better way
These are the days
These are the days
These are the days
Of wine and roses
A better place
A time of grace
A stable base
I rest my case
These are the days of new ideas
Time to take a chance or two
When looking back is not an option
Throw away all you’ve been through
These are not days that we’ll regret
These are not days that we’ll forget
These are the days when we’ll reset
And recall the day we met
About the original songs
In January 2012 I commenced a goal of trying to write and record at least one song from scratch each month – sometimes it comes easily, sometimes it’s a real challenge, but I love the discipline it creates. I managed to complete the year, but it was so much fun that I’ve decided to keep it rolling for as long as I can.