Original Song: Saltwater Is The Cure
And so 2014 comes to an end with the 44th song in the original song a month project, Saltwater Is The Cure. I quite enjoyed the process with this one as it was all built around the song title that came to me early in the month. I wanted to get a surf movie soundtrack kind of sound and some suitably evocative lyrics – both of which came much more easily than I thought they would. I’m particularly fond of the chord progression, particular the B to G#m7 chord change of the verse. It just feels… nice!
Musically, it’s another very simple one: Roland FP7 for the keyboards, Taylor T5 guitars, Arturia synth and the homemade fretless bass. It’s nice to have completed the year as there were a couple of occasions when I thought I might pull the pin on the whole process – I’m very glad I didn’t and hope that 2015 doesn’t present too many challenges.
Saltwater Is The Cure
© 2014 Chuck Smeeton
The things that I own
End up owning me
I see a glass that’s twice as big
As it really needs to be
Handcuffed to a shadow
That tracks your every move
Equanimity in action
Nothing left to prove
Connection and
Would you stand in line
If you don’t know the prize
Would you take a chance
On the value of surprise
Sweat or tears or sea
Salt water is the cure
There is no mystery
In seeking answers pure
About the original songs
In January 2012 I commenced a goal of trying to write and record at least one song from scratch each month – sometimes it comes easily, sometimes it’s a real challenge, but I love the discipline it creates. I managed to complete the year, but it was so much fun that I’ve decided to keep it rolling for as long as I can.