Original Song: Holding Court

original songAfter my struggles completing my original song over the past couple of months, it was really nice to get this one nailed only two weeks into April. I loaded it up to SoundCloud, but have only just realised I didn’t put it up here… better late than never! The idea behind this song has been something I’ve been thinking about for several years after reading the story of a Native American basketballer who was struggling with the heavy expectations that were being placed on his as a high school star.

Musically, I used the trusty Roland FP7 for the keys and a Gretsch G5120 for the guitar. Toss in a couple of synth samples and that’s about it!

© 2014 Chuck Smeeton

Mike Chavez is holding court
In the land of the Blackfeet Nation
The howling winds and driving sleet
Belie a young man’s station

A lonely figure on a frozen court,
The hours of solo shots
Just 16, Montana’s dream
Who knows how much he’s got

Rounds of shots or shoot around
A lonely figure on a frozen court
The fans that roar or the bar room sound
Where can he find support?

(Pre verse C G F G C)

Mike Chavez is holding court
In the land of the Blackfeet Nation
The howling winds and driving sleet
Belie a young man’s station

His game is not his people’s game
No tradition there to follow
But with expectations heavy
Failure can be hollow

The fire it burns but there’s no heat
But what can fire the inner glow
Battle with the bottle just can’t be beat
Mike Chavez has a bigger foe

(Pre verse)

Mike Chavez is holding court
In the land of the Blackfeet Nation
The howling winds and driving sleet
Belie a young man’s station

About the original songs
In January 2012 I commenced a goal of trying to write and record at least one song from scratch each month – sometimes it comes easily, sometimes it’s a real challenge, but I love the discipline it creates. I managed to complete the year, but it was so much fun that I’ve decided to keep it rolling for as long as I can.


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