Elvis Costello Inspired Jazzmaster Project (Kit Guitar)
7/7/17 Time to get back in the saddle and build another guitar! The kit guitar is due on Monday from Pitbull Guitars (a JZA-1) and I’m really excited to get cracking on this one. Probably the biggest change… Read More
The Surfcaster Project
Okay, time to start the next build diary seeing as I’ve finally finished my “Bass IV”. The ST-1M kit (a standard maple-necked Stratocaster shape) arrived Pitbull Guitars about a month ago but as usual there will be a… Read More
“Telemaster” Kit Build
While I’ve made instruments from scratch before, and also assembled guitars from parts, I’ve never built a kit from scratch… until now. I found out about PitBull Guitars from a friend and checked out both their kits and… Read More
Offset Soundhole Guitars: It’s a Love/Hate Thing
I’ve always been intrigued by the whole concept of offset soundhole guitars – why is the soundhole normally dead centre? Is there a sonic reason or just a tradition that’s never been updated? Technical questions aside, there’s also… Read More
Squier Telecaster Relic Review
There’s nothing like the subject of relic’ing to polarise a crowd. On a whim I decided to have a crack at creating a Squier Telecaster Relic and the results aren’t too bad!