Shuffle Aces: Benjamin Booker – Have You Seen My Son
My first exposure to Benjamin Booker was on the show featured in this clip, Sound Opinions. It’s a podcast I regularly rave about it so I’d certainly recommend you subscribe. In the interview he came across as a fascinating person with a broad range of influences and I was intrigued to hear what he sounded like as I couldn’t quite tell what to expect. When I finally heard his voice, let alone his raw blues-influenced guitar work I was sold.
24-year-old Booker was born in Virginia but is now based in New Orleans. With influences like The Gun Club, Blind Willie Johnson, and T. Rex you just knew he was going to be interesting! My favourite of the half dozen songs I’ve heard of his so far is this one, Have You Seen My Son as it captures so many of the elements he brings to all his tracks. This year has been a big one for him with the release of his first self-titled album, touring with Jack White and performing on Letterman. It’s a great sound and the kind of artist you get excited about following the progression of his career.
Official Website:
Facebook Page:
Twitter: @bbookerNOLA
You can find all the Shuffle Ace tracks – including this one – on a Spotify playlist here.
Shuffle Aces is a series of posts that highlights a song of the week that “shuffling” has brought forth. With all the streaming services it’s not just an iPod on shuffle mode that we use to discover new stuff, but the principle remains the same: hit play and wait to see what gems come forth.