RockArt: OK Go Videos

OK Go videosI can’t recall how I stumbled across this, and I can’t say I’ve heard much about OK Go as a band, but OK Go videos? Wow! This clip for their song I Won’t Let You Down is amazing, and features pretty cool little “motorcyles” (Honda U3-X models) that have a nifty gyroscope in them that lets all the folks in this video do some amazing things. This discovery led me on to a couple of their other videos – both of which are pretty amazing in their own right. It’s pretty embarrassing to say I wasn’t aware of these when you look at the number of plays they’ve had on YouTube, but if you’ve lived under a rock like me I reckon you’ll enjoy them.

RockArt is a series of posts that looks at the creative side of things: instruments, accessories, videos, photos, logos and artwork. You can find more here.

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