Original Song: Steel And Stone
40 months in a row! Yep, I’ve got over the challenges I faced through the 30s and I’m back on track. Not that this month wasn’t a bit of a challenge. Lyrics were written early in the month after yet another bike trip (I promise that I’ll broaden my lyrical concepts over the coming months after being a bit bike obsessed recently!). As usual the musical component has taking a little longer to develop and I’ve ended up without a chance to really refine it but there are some elements in it that I think work okay.
Steel And Stone
© 2015 Chuck Smeeton
Loaded up they headed out
They’d leave no one behind
Moto madness was the goal
For these riders so maligned
They’d been on the road all day
Bylong Valley on their mind
Explore the track and trails
To see what they could find
Steel and stone
Rubber on the road
Steel and stone
Two wheels was their mode
They rode in ‘round sunset,
Spitting stones and dust behind
Pitched a tent and settled down
Around the campfire with their kind
Tales of travels past
Liking roads that are unlined
Riding in the dirt
Is to what they were inclined
Three days upon the trails
To roads they weren’t confined
Each day they played in dirt
Each night they wined and dined
And when it came the time
To get back to the grind
They saddled up their steeds
And rode home disinclined
About the original songs
In January 2012 I commenced a goal of trying to write and record at least one song from scratch each month – sometimes it comes easily, sometimes it’s a real challenge, but I love the discipline it creates. I managed to complete the year, but it was so much fun that I’ve decided to keep it rolling for as long as I can.