Original Song: Don’t Forget
Month 88 of the song-a-month project has me sounding like a broken record with yet more challenges attached. This time some computer problems are all I can blame, but there’s a song here so I shouldn’t complain too much. It is getting interesting as time goes on with the project in regards how not too much phases me, and I certainly don’t feel pressure around coming up with something. Indeed this and last month feature songs that were created on the last weekend of the month! The only thing that leads to is a reduced amount of time to tweak things – and in the case of this song I only got the chance to do one take of the vocal.
Don’t Forget is something of an ode to my kids as they have both reasonably recently left home to find their own way. Very proud of them – just wish the song was a bit more polished to reflect it!
©2019 Chuck Smeeton
Your leaving town tomorrow
Don’t know when you’ll return
Taking flight to find your way
Some lessons you will learn
I don’t know how I feel
There’s regret, excitement too
But this is a journey you must take
To discover something new
Don’t forget what you have learnt
Don’t forget what you’ve been through
Don’t forget your friends and family
Because we won’t forget you
So many mixed emotions
So many things I want to say
But in your head you’ll hear my voice
To help you on your way
And when you face a challenge
Just know you have the tools
To know what’s right, to know what’s wrong
And never suffer fools
This is the time of your life
To find what you’re searching for
This is the time of your life
To see that there’s so much more
Don’t forget what you have learnt
Don’t forget what you’ve been through
Don’t forget your friends and family
Because we won’t forget you
About the original songs
In January 2012 I commenced a goal of trying to write and record at least one song from scratch each month – sometimes it comes easily, sometimes it’s a real challenge, but I love the discipline it creates. I managed to complete the year, but it was so much fun that I’ve decided to keep it rolling for as long as I can.